Rock Pi  Temperature Sensor [The easy Way!]

Rock Pi Temperature Sensor [The easy Way!]

Rock Pi Temperature Sensor The easy Way!

Rock Pi's are the alternate to Raspberry Pi's there are versatile , ideal for industrial applications and have a broader range of models to choose from to suit user specific needs.

They have been proven to provide a robust supply chain to ensure continuity in deployment of projects. A common sensor integration is temperature sensor used for many applications. This guide shows how to make a Rock Pi Temperature sensor using the USB port . our  sensors are ideal for these applications for hobbyists and increasingly industrial and commercial deployments.

Concise user guides and example python code is available for users, contact us at

watch the ROCK PI USB temperature sensor video guide


NO Soldering 

NO Wiring 

NO Breadboard 

Fastest route to integrating a Rock Pi temperature sensor to get onto coding right away !



 • Rock PI with USB Port 

• OnlineSensors Ltd UTS - USB Temperature sensor 

Can be purchased as a bundle here


• Rock Pi installed with Debian 

• Access to Rock pi terminal 

• Python 3 installed /sudo apt-get install python3.6 

• pyserial installed pip install pyserial 

• Transfer the supplied python script to the Rock pi 


 Steps to stream Rock Pi temperature 

1. Insert UTS into a USB port of the Rock pi and open the terminal 

2. find USB port with ls /dev/*USB*

3. update the python script using nano with the displayed USB port. Exit and save 

4. Run command  run sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyUSB0 

5. Run Command run python3  



Rock Pi Temperature stream
Rock Pi Temperature stream



Here the OnlineSensors UTS-T11 USB temperature sensor is streaming temperature data to the Rock Pi terminal console.


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