USB Temperature sensor

USB Temperature Sensor IP67 -24°C to +103°C with USB [Plug and Play]

USB Temperature Sensor -24°C to +105°C with USB connection

UTS-GP-T11-xx is a General purpose USB Digital thermometer TPE probe with USB serial connection, based on genuine high quality temperature sensors that provides an accurate 0.5 °C degree Celsius resolution .
Fuss free and easy to use no wiring required only a free USB Port for hobbyists industrial and commercial applications , customization is also available for the USB temperature sensor UTS-GP-T11-xx model
Perfect solution for monitoring IoT projects with a Raspberry Pi , temperature with a PC ,air temperature at home, in a greenhouse or in a server room.
  • IoT Projects
  • Raspberry Pi temperature sensor projects
  • Monitor server rooms
  • measuring temperature with PC
  • Greenhouse monitoring
  • industrial and commercial temperature measuring


Technical Details

  • Measuring range: –24 °C — +110 °C
  • Accuracy: 0.5 °C
  • Resolution: 0.5 °C
  • Sampling frequency 10 Hz (100ms) with the Graphical user interface , 100 Hz
  • Works under Linux™ with kernel version at least 5.5 (Debian 11+, Fedora 32+, Mageia 8+, Manjaro 20.2.1+, OpenWrt 22.03+, Raspberry Pi OS 2022-04-04+, Rosa 12+, Ubuntu 20.10+ etc.) and Windows® 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and 11. CPU architecture independent: works also on MIPS and ARM (e.g. Raspberry Pi) .
  • Supported by OnlineSensors Python C++ code available , any support required can be supplied
Serial Port Communication Specification
Baudrate115200 or 9600
8 Data bits
1 Stop Bytes
Parity None

Temperature output Graphical user interface
The free graphical user interface UTS++ can be used to log , sample and visualise data. Compatible with Windows® 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and 11.
Drivers are also available for free form the link above
USB temperature logging softwareEdit Image
USB temperature logging software
Temperature output Raspberry Pi
using the command interface and using the example code that is supplied for free , temperature can be read out onto the Raspberry Pi interface, this is also portable to any Linux system with a USB serial port input
Raspberry Pi temperature sensor
Raspberry Pi temperature sensor

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