USB Temperature Sensor IP67 -24°C to +103°C with USB [Plug and Play]
USB Temperature Sensor -24°C to +105°C with USB connection
UTS-GP-T11-xx is a General purpose USB Digital thermometer TPE probe with USB serial connection, based on genuine high quality temperature sensors that provides an accurate 0.5 °C degree Celsius resolution .
Fuss free and easy to use no wiring required only a free USB Port for hobbyists industrial and commercial applications , customization is also available for the USB temperature sensor UTS-GP-T11-xx model
Perfect solution for monitoring IoT projects with a Raspberry Pi , temperature with a PC ,air temperature at home, in a greenhouse or in a server room.
IoT Projects
Raspberry Pi temperature sensor projects
Monitor server rooms
measuring temperature with PC
Greenhouse monitoring
industrial and commercial temperature measuring
Technical Details
Measuring range: –24 °C — +110 °C
Accuracy: 0.5 °C
Resolution: 0.5 °C
Sampling frequency 10 Hz (100ms) with the Graphical user interface , 100 Hz
Works under Linux™ with kernel version at least 5.5 (Debian 11+, Fedora 32+, Mageia 8+, Manjaro 20.2.1+, OpenWrt 22.03+, Raspberry Pi OS 2022-04-04+, Rosa 12+, Ubuntu 20.10+ etc.) and Windows® 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and 11. CPU architecture independent: works also on MIPS and ARM (e.g. Raspberry Pi) .
Supported by OnlineSensors Python C++ code available , any support required can be supplied
Serial Port Communication Specification
Baudrate115200 or 9600
8 Data bits
1 Stop Bytes
Parity None
Temperature output Graphical user interface
The free graphical user interface UTS++ can be used to log , sample and visualise data. Compatible with Windows® 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and 11.
Drivers are also available for free form the link above
Temperature output Raspberry Pi
using the command interface and using the example code that is supplied for free , temperature can be read out onto the Raspberry Pi interface, this is also portable to any Linux system with a USB serial port input