UTS-T11 USB Temp Sensor V Competitor USB Thermometer

UTS-T11 USB Temp Sensor V Competitor USB Thermometer

The USB Temperature sensors UTS range are superior quality to other USB Temperature sensors on the market, this has been proven with customer testimonials and comparsions.

For Example other USB temperature sensors have been used in projects then intermittently failed when they were deployed, costing thousands in support calls and repair.

The UTS-T11 USB Temp sensor has been a popular upgrade from the other USB temperature sensors due to the following

-Higher probe quality

-Better Embedded operating system


-Better thermal response

-Robust and reliable

Use cases

For detail use cases please follow the link USB Temperature sensor use cases

-Smart freezers

-Vending machines

-Room Temperature verification

-Raspberry PI and Linux weather stations

-Linux and Windows OEM products

-C# USB Temperature sensor


The UTS-T11 and UTS-T4 USB temp sensors are truly accurate to +- 0.5 Degrees Celsius. This is important for repeatable and trustworthy recording of temperature.

Other USB temperature sensors are cheaper and will report sporadic and unrepeatable temperature making them in effect useless

An example of the UTS-T11 USB Temperature sensor performance and quality. The graph below was supplied by one of our customers.

Blue is the OnlineSensors Ltd UTS-T11

Orange is another common USB temperature sensor

note the incorrect temperature offset of the Competitor USB Sensor.

UTS-T11 USB Temp sensor comparison

The graph demonstrates the UTS-T11 USB Thermometer has superior performance to the competitors USB Temp sensor in the 3 main areas below

Reaction time  

UTS-T11  has a superior reaction time and captures peaks and troughs in the temperature that the competitors sensor didn’t react to . It is important to capture the temperature profile accurately to correctly profile the temperature control behaviour.


 The temperature data captured by the UTS T11 USB Temp sensor is repeatedly captured accurately adding to the reliable performance of the UTS-T11


The competitors USB thermometer doesn’t capture the fluctuates in temperature and retains a temperature offset that is continuously present providing a misleading and  inaccurate profile of the temperature


USB Temperature sensor Comparison Conclusion

This USB Thermometer comparison demonstrates why the UTS range has better performance. The price maybe slightly higher in comparison to the popular USB temp sensors available but provides a cost effective high quality solution to monitoring the temperature with a USB port. With seamless examples of how the UTS USB thermometer range can integrated with Windows and Linux systems with support and examples it is the easy option to choose.

















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