Pt1000 probe

What is a Pt1000?

What is a Pt1000?

Pt1000 are a passive elements that changes resistance with temperature, they belong to the group of sensors known as RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector).

Pt1000 sensors obtain their name from Pt which is the symbol for platinum which forms part of their construction and 1000 which refers to the element's resistance at 0°C, so at 0°C the resistance will be 1000Ω.

Pt1000 v Pt100

  • Pt1000 have a higher resistance so less self-heating leading to less self-induced error

  • Pt1000 greater nominal resistance makes them less susceptible to errors caused by longer wire lengths

  • Pt1000 consume less current than a Pt100 would making them better for battery powered applications

  • Power consumption in a project is further reduced becuase the typical complimentary components e.g. a Wheatstone bridge would have high value resistance reducing current consumption when compared to a Pt100

  • Pt100s are widely used in industry making then part of legacy installations so even if a Pt1000 would be more optimum, due to cost and simplicity with an established working system / circuit a Pt100 is still selected.

Are Pt1000 linear?

Compared to a thermistor they are considered linear but in absolute terms they are almost linear, non-linearity errors are more prevalent with a wider temperature range.

Accuracy classes of Pt1000

There are 2 accuracy classes of the Pt100 Class A and Class B

Class A

  • Resistance tolerance is ±0.06%
  • Temperature tolerance is ±0.15°C at 0°C

Class B

  • Resistance tolerance is ±0.06%
  • Temperature tolerance is ±0.30°C at 0°C


Pt1000 circuits require careful consideration when designing to account for error and accuracies , we have extensive experience so please contact for any advice.

View our verified and design supported RTD Pt probes here 

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